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I want to login Ecard APP

Time:2017-10-25 15:12    Author:sjtunic

You can get any information about your Ecard on the APP 掌上校园, such as report the loss of your card, check your transaction flow, and so on.

There are three ways to log in Ecard APP.

1. Make sure you have installed APP 掌上校园,then open up it.

2.If it is the first of you to use this APP, it will pop up the page to let you select your school when you open it. Now please find “上海交通大学” to click.

3.After selecting school, you will see the following page. Please click on “基本信息” to log in. are three ways to log in.

(1) Use your Ecard number and the password.

Please click on “校园卡号” and you will see the following page. Please enter your Ecard number and Checking Password. You can check “记住账号与密码” so you don't have to re-enter your account and password next time you log in.

(2) Use your ID number and the password.

Please click on “学工号” and you will see the following page. Please enter your ID number and Checking Password. You can check “记住账号与密码” so you don't have to re-enter your account and password next time you log in.

(3) Use your jAccount and the password.

And you will see the following page. Please enter your jAccount and the password to log in.

If you don’t have a jAccount, please click on I want a jAccount to apply for it.

If you forget the password, please click on I forget my jAccount password.

At last,you can check your transaction flow when you login Ecard APP succesfully.





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