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How to obtain Shanghai Jiao Tong University NFC Campus Co-Branded Card

Time:2025-02-26 09:57    Author:sjtunic

1、Open My SJTU APP, follow the activation instructions on the Siyuan Code page, click "Go to Download and Activate".


2、Download App “上海交通卡”(Shanghai Public Transportation Card) and click on "我的" (Mine)- "校园联名卡” (University Co-Branded Card).

Select "上海交通大学”(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)and follow the prompts to complete the card collection. The card will automatically enter the mobile "wallet".    


3. Please remember to set your NFC campus co-branded card as the default card.

Android: Wallet &payments - Cards, after opening the co-branded card, set it as the default card.

iOS: Settings - Wallet and Apple Pay, Set as Quick Transit Card.

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